We’re on a mission to create sustainable regional communities.

OzGREEN delivers workshops and events to increase wellbeing, protect rivers, and change habits!

Our programs connect people with nature, build sustainability skills, redirect waste from landfill, plant trees and collect citizen science data.

What makes us unique?

We employ regional youth.

We employ and mentor young people to help us deliver our mission. Because young people are the future.

Young people are excellent leaders and very effective at inspiring others. Read more

What We Do

  • Coordinate volunteers to redirect waste from landfill at major events. Learn more

  • Coordinate community tree planting projects. Learn more

  • Coordinate volunteers to collect citizen science river health data. Learn more

  • Deliver a range of waste, sustainability & river health workshops. Learn more

  • Connect people with nature. Learn more

"The future is not a place we are going, but one we are creating."

- John Schaar

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The best way you can support our work is to make a one-off or monthly donation.

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and get our free events and free resources direct to your inbox!

We empower people to step up.

Many of our program participants go on to start movements, initiatives and projects that create a better world.

Read Stories

  • "I came away inspired and ready to take on new challenges"

    - Participant, Resilient Communities Facilitator Run Workshops, 2022

  • "I love feeling like what we are doing is making an impact to support our river, and especially the turtles, to be healthy. I also enjoy the testing and being outside in nature with my son testing together."

    - Bellingen Riverwatch WQM Volunteer, 2022

  • "I love meeting like-minded people and discovering new forms of life."

    - Macro Tester Volunteer, Macro Muster Round 2, 2022

  • "β€œIt's a really fun way to do science."

    - Student, Orama Public School Macro Workshop, 2022

  • "The sessions are really interesting and easy to follow. Very well structured and they are also very welcoming. After the isolation due to Covid-19 - it was amazing to meet like-minded people face-to-face, it really helped me."

    - Participant, Resilient Communities North Coast, 2022

  • "I will be growing Microgreens on a regular basis now."

    - Participant, Resilient Communities Facilitator Run Workshops, 2022

  • β€œIt is a wonderful program you have developed. I look forward to seeing how it develops and inspires action amongst the community. I'm inspired to be working alongside you all."

    - Participant, Resilient Communities Resilient Byron Training Sessions, 2022

  • " I didn't really know what to expect when walking into this program. But now I feel like I have such a big potential to make change, not only in my everyday life but in my community."

    - Participant, Youth Leading the World Bellingen, 2022

  • "I am extremely grateful for the opportunity I was provided, and am overwhelmingly appreciative of all the effort put in, and the benefits I've gotten from it."

    - Participant, Youth Leading the World Facilitator Training, Victoria, 2021

  • "This program gave me the belief that even I can do something even if it is small."

    - Participant, Youth Leading the World North East Victoria, 2021

10 Ways to Help the Rivers.

There are 10 easy ways to help the rivers of the Bellinger and Kalang catchments.

These rivers are some of the healthiest rivers in Australia and it’s up to the community and tourists of this area to protect what we have.

Join our

Macro Muster 7

23rd Oct 2024

(during National Water Week)

Bellingen NSW Australia

Why our mission?

1. To answer the call of the UN's SDGs

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call for action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. All sectors of society are called on to mobilise for a Decade of Action to deliver the Goals by 2030. OzGREEN’s work primarily addresses the SDG 6, 8, 10, 12, 13 and 15. Read more.

2. To answer the call of the 2022 IPCC Report

The 2022 IPCC Report tells us that we need to halve greenhouse gases this decade and scale up adaption. Read more.
